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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

So did Washington just waste his breath?

In light of Washington’s wise warnings, it is little wonder that we find ourselves trillions of dollars in debt due in part to the demand for the funding of multiple military operations, as the Constitution, the rule of law, and virtue are counted among the collateral damage.

The history of the past 216 years reveals that most of Washington's successors have refused to heed the counsel of caution given in his Farewell Address. Instead, they have chosen to bid farewell to the “fundamental maxims of true liberty” included by him and his fellow delegates in the Constitution. 

What are your thoughts?

Friday, April 20, 2012

Anyone interested in creating a community based food system(s)?
Vision is something that runs on locally-produced energy, which will give local food a competitive advantage over conventional food systems. Initially I am looking for a few interested people to assist with re-establishing our local community garden and ULTIMATELY, a complex local food infrastructure to be built that includes communi...ty kitchen(s), food banks, storage/root cellars, warehousing/freezer/cooler space, local food distribution channels and solid knowledge bases that make each local community (Sanderson, Baxter, Taylor, Glen, Macclenny etc) the best data source for its own food supply and needs. Local currency or non-cash contributions, bartering and creating societal wealth based on food production and volunteer work would become some long goals.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Federal Reserve Propaganda as 8-12 grade education

As a partial response to the increased scrutiny of the FED; this controversial institution has now designed an education course to convince young Americans of their own supposed necessity and its alleged constitutionality. By indoctrinating the young they will have generations of naive but fully trapped indentured servants once we the old guard pass on.

As expected, the lesson plan does not mention the fact that they are privately owned and are nothing more than  more than banksters — let alone all of the fiat currency it creates is issued as DEBT with impossible-to-pay interest attached!

The onward oppression of the international govt. cannot be accepted. We must educate, dedicate and defend our country.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Scares the hell out me - what about you?

NDAA and now the new Executive Order authorizing Peacetime Martial Law

Is there anyone out here that feels the pincer strategy - pressure from above, pressure from below until something gives?